Thursday, July 31, 2008

The first post.

Tonight, the feeling of blogging is back :).

I always wanted to blog about every little things that took place in my daily life. Be it good or bad, i just want to jot down so in the future i can look back,every chapter that i went through in my life.

Recently i am so tied down by my exams and finally my exams are offically over BUT sadly i have also skipped 2 of my papers. Not that i am lazy, is just that i have no confident in passing it and i doesn't want to risk any of my papers anymore. Sigh, so the 2 papers was deferred to my final year, which is adding on to my stress. Final year is going to be so so turf as in total i gonna need to sit for 5 papers + final year project. Guess i will be so damn busy for the next few coming months :(

Honestly i don't look forward for my gradation even if i manage to get my 1st class hornor cause by than, i am going to be apart from all my dear ones.Although most of the times i really hate going to school and studies but afterall i love being a student.Sometime is so funny how life can be so contradict.

Well let's tune back to my daily events. Today finally the long awaited plan for shopping and all with carven have finally come :). Lunch in suki sushi then off to take neo prints and then shop around the whole of orchard. Really tiring but really enjoyed her company and we had lots of fun :). Half way through nana came meet us with her breaking news. IT IS A BABY BOY!!! Haa. When i know that i was like bubbling with joy like at if i was the one carrying the (Nana, i know you wanted a girl so badly but baby boy sound as good as a baby girl too right? :)) Can't wait for the baby to be born, i will surely shower all my love for this little angel.

Jon came soon after nana reach and we went to have some snacks (for jon, he have hell lots of snacks can, like one after another..ops).After carven left, we went to meet melvin for dinner at bali house and i found out it was really nice chilling there,the music was nice ,the food was nice but the most important things is the people you are with was as nice as anything ever!

Enough of words, let's the pic talks;

More pic after i am done with the upload.
Thats all for now.